It matters not that we do not use weapons, martial or ranged. What matters most is what is in our hearts. Here we are, fighting, not for national boundaries. Not even for our mortal lives do we stand and march to defend. What we fight for is greater than any of this.

What we fight for is peace, liberty, and justice; what we are fighting for is the survival of our families, for One Family Under God; what we are fighting for is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; what we are fighting for, is Cheon-Il-Guk.

Let the battle begin, and let it end without a drop of blood being spilled.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Human Rights Leaders Protest Abduction of Women in Japan at New York Consulate

NEW YORK, Oct. 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Several human rights leaders and Christian pastors, stoked by a recent documentary on Japanese human rights abuses that aired on Korean television station SBS on October 6, held a press briefing today outside Japan's Consulate in New York to proclaim their discontent with the Japanese government.

Dr. Luonne Rouse, United Methodist Church Pastor, delivered remarks. He was supported by Luke Higuchi, president of the Survivors Against Forced Exit, the Rev. Michael Jenkins, chairman of the American Clergy Leadership Conference, and the Rev. Jesse Edwards. Several victims of Japanese abduction and attempted deprogramming attended the event to share their stories and answer questions. Numerous members of the Korean and Japanese media attended.

The documentary titled "Kidnapping and Confinement in the Unification Church – Kiyomi Returns Home After 13 Years" inspired today's protest and detailed the abduction and confinement of several members of the Unification Church, a matter of persecution that occurs daily in Japan at the hands of religious deprogrammers. The documentary has garnered a large amount of attention in Korea and is gaining notoriety within the Korean-American community.

"The Japanese government is turning a blind eye to this persecution," said Dr. Rouse. "It's time to stop the abductions and free the victims. We must protest religious freedom and human rights."

The protest concluded with Dr. Rouse and supporters walking into the Japanese Consulate and hand-delivering a letter directly to an aid of the Honorable Shinichi Nishmiya, the Consulate General. The letter requests a meeting between the Ambassador, human rights leaders, and several of the Japanese victims currently living in the U.S. to share stories of persecution and discuss steps to remedy the current situation.

Over the past 40 years, an estimated 4,300 members of the Unification Church have been subjected to human rights violations of this nature. Between ten to 20 Unification Church members are currently abducted each year in Japan to undergo forced de-conversions.

In the U.S., American citizens are being encouraged to sign a petition encouraging Congress to hold hearings on human rights violations in Japan. Specifically, the hearing would be held by the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, co-chaired by Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).

For more information on the Japan abduction issue:

Follow us on Facebook: Stop Japan Abductions

About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.

SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fredsfesten avlyst :(

Fra Universel Fredsforbundet:
Pga. en uforutsett situasjon måtte vår gjestetaler trekke seg. Vi har derfor bestemt å avlyse fredsfesten (17. oktober
kl 1600). Beklager!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Universal Fredsforbundet Fredsfest på 17.10.10

Universal Fredsforbundet holder en Fredsfest med Tema: “Sjelens psykologi” søndag, 17. oktober 2010, kl 1600 på Grorudvn. 39 (underetasje), Oslo i Familieforbundets lokaler.

Gjestetaler er Thomas Weys (som snakker på engelsk), med innlegg også ved Knut Holdhus, og sang ved Victor mm.

Weys vil bl.a. ta opp hvordan vi bedre kan nytte vår spirituelle kraft.

Her er en link til invitasjonen:

Det høres interessant ut, og jeg serfrem til det!


Christopher D. Osborn
Ski, Norge

2012 Motto for the Unification Movement

Cheon-gi 3 (2012) Unification Movement/Tongilgyo/Cheon Il Guk Motto:

"The Era of the Victory, Liberation, and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind"

Click here to read a translated transcript of Father Moon's 'True God's Day 2012' midnight prayer.