It matters not that we do not use weapons, martial or ranged. What matters most is what is in our hearts. Here we are, fighting, not for national boundaries. Not even for our mortal lives do we stand and march to defend. What we fight for is greater than any of this.

What we fight for is peace, liberty, and justice; what we are fighting for is the survival of our families, for One Family Under God; what we are fighting for is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; what we are fighting for, is Cheon-Il-Guk.

Let the battle begin, and let it end without a drop of blood being spilled.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Important Jan 31st Blessing Announcement from BC's of Facebook

For Second Generation Couples matched by True Parents, Second Generation couples matched by their parents, matched First Generation couples, previously married First Gen. couples, and Ambassadors for Peace who wish to attend the blessing on January 31st 2008 at the Grand Ballroom, Manhattan Center in New York City, NY.

For 2nd Generation Couples matched by True Parents only: if an international spouse is unable to enter the USA for the Ceremony, it is permissible to attend with an 8" x 10" photo of your fiance.

All participants in the Blessing are expected to arrive on Thursday evening, Jan. 29th or Friday morning, Jan. 30th, by 8:00am. The exact location for the Friday breakfast and program is still being decided. Friday is an important, required day of orientation and education.

All information you need to know is in the messege below. The message has been edited only slightly, for security reasons.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Facebook
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:13 AM
Subject: "the BCs of Facebook" sent you a message on Facebook...
To: "Christopher D. Osborn"

Bethany Phillips sent a message to the members of the BCs of Facebook.


Hey guys,

Sorry about the spammage, but this one's important and needs to get out ASAP:

From Nari Stephens:

This is the Official Jan 31st Blessing Info Page. It will be updated periodically with more information as the date comes closer for people.

If anyone has any further questions, they can ask:
Nari Stephens as a BFD admin assistant (bfd.usa.admin (at),
BFD Co-director Hiromi Stephens (ommahiromi (at), or
BC Blessing Dept Director Inguk Seo (inguk (at)


Take care, everyone!  And make it an awesome life!
<3 from your sister,

From Bergen, Hordaland, Norge,

Christopher D. Osborn

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2012 Motto for the Unification Movement

Cheon-gi 3 (2012) Unification Movement/Tongilgyo/Cheon Il Guk Motto:

"The Era of the Victory, Liberation, and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind"

Click here to read a translated transcript of Father Moon's 'True God's Day 2012' midnight prayer.