It matters not that we do not use weapons, martial or ranged. What matters most is what is in our hearts. Here we are, fighting, not for national boundaries. Not even for our mortal lives do we stand and march to defend. What we fight for is greater than any of this.

What we fight for is peace, liberty, and justice; what we are fighting for is the survival of our families, for One Family Under God; what we are fighting for is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; what we are fighting for, is Cheon-Il-Guk.

Let the battle begin, and let it end without a drop of blood being spilled.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year and Happy God's Day 2010!

Here in Norway we celebrated New Years and God's Day at Nordtangen, a cabin owned by the Norwegian Scouts.

Below is the new motto for the Unification Movement for the year 2010. If you click on it you can see a picture of the original calligraphy.

"Mansei for oneness with True Parents' pure heart and with all their victories in the realm of the Cosmic Sabbath centered on true love!"


Click here to see a video of Father Moon's 'God's Day 2010' address.

In other news about the new year, the UPF (Universal Peace Federation) is calling for a the '10's do be a decade of peace. While the UN's millennium development goals are meant to be accomplished by 2015, the UPF is working to achieve significant goals by 2013.

You can check out a PDF presentation of the UPF's highlights for 2009 here:

Again, happy New Year and happy God's Day 2010! I pray we truly can make this a decade of peace.

Centering on True Love,

Christopher D. Osborn
Siggerud, Ski, Akershus, Norway

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2012 Motto for the Unification Movement

Cheon-gi 3 (2012) Unification Movement/Tongilgyo/Cheon Il Guk Motto:

"The Era of the Victory, Liberation, and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind"

Click here to read a translated transcript of Father Moon's 'True God's Day 2012' midnight prayer.