It matters not that we do not use weapons, martial or ranged. What matters most is what is in our hearts. Here we are, fighting, not for national boundaries. Not even for our mortal lives do we stand and march to defend. What we fight for is greater than any of this.

What we fight for is peace, liberty, and justice; what we are fighting for is the survival of our families, for One Family Under God; what we are fighting for is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; what we are fighting for, is Cheon-Il-Guk.

Let the battle begin, and let it end without a drop of blood being spilled.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Petition to support religios freedom in Japan

Below is the content of an email witch I received via church today:
Stop Japan Abductions !

Petition for Religious Freedom in Japan

Sign our petition and urge Congress to hold hearings before the end of the year about religious and human rights abuses taking place in Japan – one of America’s great trading partners. These hearings should be held by the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, co-chaired by Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).

Religious freedom is fundamental to the ability of civilized peoples to live together peacefully. Individuals around the world should be able to exercise their inherent right to express their faith and live a life grounded in convictions of their hearts and souls without government coercion or interference.

For too many years, the Japanese government has abused the fundamental principles of religious freedom by turning a blind eye to atrocities against individuals who practice religion not sanctioned by the government. As one of America’s great allies and trading partners, Japan must put an immediate end to religious persecution.

The U.S. State Department’s Religious Freedom Report has published complaints every year since 1999 that Japanese authorities are not enforcing their own laws regarding kidnapping, physical restraint and physical abuse of Unification Church members.

By signing this petition, tell the United States Congress to hold hearings on these religious freedom and human rights violations and hold the country of Japan accountable.

To sign the petition, please click on:

FOREF Europe
Forum Religious Freedom-Europe
Office: Seidengasse 28/4,
1070 Vienna, AUSTRIA
President: Prof. Dr. Christian Bruenner
Secretary General: Peter Zoehrer
Phone: +43 6645238794
Skype: zoehrer7
ZVR: 429267353

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2012 Motto for the Unification Movement

Cheon-gi 3 (2012) Unification Movement/Tongilgyo/Cheon Il Guk Motto:

"The Era of the Victory, Liberation, and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind"

Click here to read a translated transcript of Father Moon's 'True God's Day 2012' midnight prayer.